Berthing and Unberthing Services Miri
There are many types of berthing and unberthing services. Here are some common ones you can find.
Berthing and Unberthing Services are something that is very important to us. Misarma Marine is one of the few companies in Miri that provides such mooring and unmooring services. Our Marine division focuses on several marine productions. Berthing and unberthing is just one of the few trades we are involved in.
Generally, shipping lines and shipping companies need berthing and unberthing services the most. Sometimes oil and gas sector, forwarding companies, and any other sea-related industries need berthing and unberthing services too. Whether it is for short term or long term, we have it just for you.
Berthing and unberthing can go by many names. They are most commonly known as mooring and unmooring services too.
What is Berthing and Unberthing?
Here is the basic meaning of berthing and unberthing services. You may find them helpful in the long run.
Berthing generally means the quay or jetty takes on a vessel (big or small) and be fixated on it. It follows the vessel captains and Port Authorities’ orders. They follow the necessary order and layout in order to facilitate docking, berthing and unberthing operations.
Unberthing means it objectively release and cast off the vessel lines. The vessel lines come from the fixtures that is moored. They follow the sequence and instructions distributed by the captain. The vessel crew have to make sure they do not affect the mooring conditions of contiguous vessels.
Types of Berths

Now you know the definition of berthing and unberthing, do you know about the kinds of berths that exist? Here are some that we know of. We are willing to share with you the information we found around.
Berth types are divided into three (3) main types: by construction type, by shore connection, and by cargo method. Find out what they are in a quick summary of each below:
Solid Structure Berth
In these solid structure berths, a solid vertical structure is created to contain fill material which is taken all the way to the structure. They can be done using either a gravity wall structure where the front wall of the structure uses its own weight and friction to contain the fill. Or they may go with a sheet pile structure where an anchoring plate is used to contain the weight of the fill dirt.
Open Structure Berth
Open berths come with structures where the piles set slightly offshore from the natural extent of the land or the farthest extent of fill dirt to support it. This style of the berth can offer more flexibility in the specificity of construction. However, it also presents more complicated dredging projects later on. It also limits the amount of weight the berth is able to support and resist.
Shore Connection

Finger Pier
Finger piers are to maximize the berthing space per length of the waterfront. They are often made for small to medium vessels linked with passenger travel. Finger piers can also be used for hazardous cargoes such as military cargo. Those cargoes cannot go with offshore berths because of the weight and its equipment requirements. In these examples, long finger piers may reach far offshore, with access for rail or other cargo-moving methods.
Offshore Berth
Used when cargo-handling or storage can be dangerous. A lot of times, offshore berths are created for berthing of oil and gas vessels. They come along with standalone structures known as dolphins. They have fenders and bollards located to fit the geometry of the vessels, which would call at the berth.
Cargo Berth
Container Berth
Container berths are usually for handling standard intermodal containers. Vessels are loaded and unloaded by container cranes, designed especially for the task. These berths will feature large areas of land for container handling near the berth are. They will also have significant equipment on dock to facilitate rapid movement of containers on and off the vessels. Alongside the quay, there is often a large flat area meant to store both the imported and exported containers.
Liquid Berth
Liquid berths are usually for handling oil and gas-related products. Berths are situated offshore to keep safe zone of operation from the rest of port operations. Vessels are loaded via loading arms that contains the pipelines. Cargo is the pump back onshore through pipelines. These pumps are usually submerged. Storage facilities for the products are usually some distance away from the berth and are usually connected by these pipelines.
Marina Berth

Marina berths tend to allow the owners of leisure craft on and off their boats. Generally, they tend to situate alongside pontoons and accessed by hinged bridges (in tidal locations) to the shore. Marina berths are often constructed with modular capabilities to adjust the berth size for various shapes and sizes of recreational craft.
They also provide specialized equipment for keeping boats out of the water. They are also a frequent feature. This allows the vessel to be detached from the negative effects of wave action on the hull and helps prevent organic growth on the hull.
Layberth and Lay-By Berth (May Known as General Berth Sometimes)
A berth used for inactive (lay-up status) vessels. Vessels being put on the hook can use these as intermediate points between operational use and delaying at an offshore mooring. These berths will come with very little landside access. Or they may feature equipment except what is required to fasten the vessel.
A general berth is usually for vessels for short term waiting until a loading or discharging berth is available. These berths can feature super basic amenities for fuel, provisions, and utilities to sustain a crew and vessel. Those are for until the destination berth is available.
Berthing and unberthing services are especially crucial for industries that are often out at sea. They may come across as mundane and boring services, but it won’t be if you are very involved in the industry. Or if you are someone in an industry that is inter-related to berthing and unberthing services, then you may have such use for such.
If you are looking for any berthing and unberthing services, do not hesitate to contact us. We are able to help and provide you with the necessary berthing and unberthing services available.
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