Marine Wharf Services Miri: Misarma Marine Offers Only The Best
We Provide You With The Best Wharf Services in Miri
Wharf services Miri usually provide marine-related services. It can include wharf services such as berthing and unberthing, shipping services, crew change, and so on. Sometimes it may even provide catering services to go with their marine and offshore services. However, catering itself can be an entirely independent service on their own.
What Are Wharf Services For?

Wharf services can be for a lot of things. They are typically used by the oil and gas sector. Usually, they are also for stereotypically for shipping, berthing services, and many other marine-related industries.
Marine services tend to provide the following services:
- Repair
- Maintenance
- Logistics
- Testing
- Storage
- Transportation services (for boats, ships, oil tankers, and other watercraft)
Marine repair and maintenance services usually have wharf facilities at boatyards, shipyards, and marinas. They perform on-water repairs and drydock maintenance and can renovate or upgrade boats and ships. Marine logistics services typically come with freight hauliers and freight forwarding agencies. Sometimes, they may provide logistical support to offshore oil and gas industries. Marine storage services usually come inclusive with steel boat racks and dry stack storage buildings. Its transportation services and other marine services are also generally available.
Marine services as a company can perform emergency repairs, periodic maintenance, or complete ship renovations. Boats and ships need marine services while underway at pier side. They need it during periods of reduced operating status. Operating status such as between chartering and shipping seasons.
Why Do They Need Dry Docks?

The majority of seafaring vessels need trips to special drydock facilities at regular intervals. Drydocks are basins that are made for shipbuilding. Or ship repair activities below a vessel’s waterline. They are flooded so that the ship can travel in. They are then drained so that the ship comes to rest on a dry platform. Tasks done at drydock includes:
- The elimination of biological growths from a ship’s hull
- Sandblasting and repainting the hull
- Replacing the sacrificial anodes that are used to protect submerged equipment from corrosion
Drydock services may also carry out major repairs to a ship’s propulsion and steering systems. They also carry out repairs to ships’ major electrical systems. Marine propulsion systems include induction motors, generators, switchboards, and integrated automation systems.
Other Services Provided by Marine Wharf Services
Marine steering systems include marine products and equipment. Those items are for hydraulic and mechanical steering. It is also for rudders and tiller arms. Marine services that specialize in drydock repairs and drydock maintenance. They may concentrate on repair and maintenance. They may focus on the complete propulsion or individual components. At the same time, marine services that repair a ship’s electrical systems can uphold either entire systems or individual subsystems.
Some marine services offer the following services:
- Offshore services
- Oil transportation
- Freight transportation
- Vessel manning
- Brokering services
Offshore services are often fabricators for the oil and gas industry. Using large structural steel components, they construct various topsides and oil platforms. Oil and freight transportation services use oil tankers and other cargo vessels to transport crude oil and other petroleum products. Vessel manning services are marine services that offer contract or temporary crew members. Marine brokerage services may concentrate on used commercial vessels or international shipping.
Marine Services and Port Reforms

The marine services are port-related activities conducted to make sure of the safe and expeditious flow of vessel traffic in ports. It also handles approaches and harbours with a safe stay at berth when moored. Either that or at anchor. By safe we mean that the port conditions ensure the vessels using the port, the port environment, and the marine environment. They are to be shielded from danger. Expeditions practically mean that vessels are not overly delayed. The vessels port transit times (and the total turnaround time) are kept to a minimum.
Although ports may define marine services differently and may have different methods of providing them, in this section the term is used to refer generally to services having a nautical bearing, be it maritime safety, vessel traffic efficiency, or marine environment protection.
Other services (for instance, immigration and customs services, security, etc) may also affect port efficacy and safety.
The specific marine services concentrated by a port authority depend entirely on the scope of the marine ports’ responsibilities and jurisdiction. The marine ports’ scope jurisdictions do not follow a general rule. There happens to be no international legislation or standard practice that outlines the responsibilities of port authorities.
Most commonly, marine services rendered by a port authority are geologically delimited by the area directly under the control of the authority. It may include only the waterfront of riparian berths. However, there are nations where the port authorities are also responsible for managing lighthouse services outside its immediate area of control. This extended area may include harbour waters and go as far as the open sea.
Common Operations Found On Marine Wharfs

Here are some common operations you can find on marine wharfs.
Harbourmaster And Its Function
Generally, the harbourmaster (also called a port captain) looks after the port activities involving maritime safety and the protection of the marine environment. The legal basis of the harbourmaster’s job is usually entrenched in a port bylaw. Or in the case of a nationally-owned port – which will be by a specific law or ministerial decree.
The harbourmaster often has detailed legal powers to act in emergency situations. Generally, the harbourmaster is part of the port authority organization and leads the marine department. In some nations, the harbourmaster may work for an autonomous public entity such as the coast guard.
The harbourmaster is responsible for making sure of the efficient flow of traffic through the port and coastal waters. This can include allocation of vessels to public berths. It can also be on behalf of the government or port authorities for coordinating all marine services. The harbourmaster functions out of a port coordination centre, which is often part of an intricate vessel traffic management system.
Regularly, harbourmasters have constabulary powers and act as head of the port police. The main purposes of such police are enforcement of the port bylaws. This especially includes traffic regulations, protection of the environment, and accident prevention. As part of a port authority, the harbourmaster also serves as head of the pilotage service. Just in case, let’s say that the pilotage service is not part of the port authority. The harbourmaster is responsible for the organization between this service and port users. Finally, the harbourmaster is, from time to time, responsible for governing oversight of the carriage and storage of dangerous items in the port area. They are also responsible for the proper use of port reception facilities.
What do Other Tasks fall Under a Harbourmaster?
On account of the public character of the harbourmaster’s responsibilities, this function is seldom privatized. If they do it, it may raise a conflict of interest between the public interest (safety, environment, etc). It may affect the private interests of the port industry. For instance, since the port time of ships is an important cost and active factor. The harbourmaster will always be under pressure to provide preferential treatment to shipping lines.
Impartial and dependable application of operational safety measures for ships carrying dangerous or environmentally sensitive goods. Environmentally sensitive goods include items such as gas carriers, chemical parcel tankers, and VLCCs is essential to the safe functioning of any port. The harbourmaster should not work within a purely commercial environment. However, they must have freedom of action to carry out public tasks in an unhindered and unbiased manner.
The harbourmasters may be part of a port authority’s management team. They should be free to work in their dominion as independently as possible from the commercial management of the port. Carrying out emergency measures where if accidents and industrial disasters happen. The harbourmaster should have full freedom of action. They should also possess the ultimate authority and responsibility for directing all necessary activities. In a fully privatized port, the harbourmaster should not be part of the port management. However, they should be employed by a national or regional maritime administration.
Common Jobs for Marine Wharf Services Miri

There are plenty of people with all walks of career on marine wharves. They do not necessarily be limited to just a small pool of professions. However, there are several essential kinds that are more commonly found on marine wharves.
Marine Engineer.
Marine engineers are perhaps one of the most common professionals you can find on marine wharves. They usually deal with maintaining and repairing a ship’s machinery.
In recent years, marine engineering is a very sought-after job. The continuous growth of the industry and the constant research and development in the field has given a rise in popularity in the engineering fields. In recent years, more people have started to opt for it.
The upsurge in commercial activities, across the planet, also had a positive impact on marine engineering. There is also an extraordinary rise in the number of merchant navy vessels and trading. All these have a positive impact on the job market in this lively sector. Certain attributes are pre-requisite for any job on the merchant navy or as a marine engineer. However, there are other needed qualifications that are different for different profiles.
Naval Architect
Naval architects plan and design ships and sea-faring vessels.
The study of this field includes both arts and science. It usually includes mathematics, physics and English. Being an engineering-related field, the potential naval architect needs to have an all-rounded knowledge of the profession. It usually includes both mechanical and electrical engineering skills, with a mechanical section needed more. Moreover, to understand what a naval architect does, having knowledge of computers and software is compulsory.
The occupation of naval architecture relies heavily on computer-aided designs (CAD). Most universities across the planet offer degrees in marine and naval engineering or architecture. Some of the universities also provide students with postgraduate courses on the very same subjects.
In some countries, these degrees are sufficient to land a job in this industry. In other countries, there is a different assortment or hiring program in place that involves a test to succeed as a certified professional. There are also several types of certifications accessible to land the many kinds of jobs in the field of naval architecture.
Oil Driller
An oil driller is a person who is responsible for drilling on an oil rig. Oil driller is one of the most important and basic offshore jobs. An oil driller’s presence is as important and is something that can never be done without on any oilrigs.
Drilling oil from ocean depths may not sound like a big deal but is one of the most dangerous jobs that’s existed. There are several issues that impact drilling jobs in the high seas and oceanic areas. Underwater oceanic area, the marine lives, the marine ecosystem and the nature of the source of the oil-reservoir found under the surface of the water are some of the main examples. All these need active monitoring while underwater oil drilling is planned to be carried out.
Ordinary Seaman
An ordinary seaman (sometimes known as OS for short) is the person who is allocated deck jobs as a trainee on ships. Working and gaining experience as a trainee followed by a couple of years as ordinary seaman new opportunities. It gets an individual to get a promotion as a well-trained seaman. The profession of an ordinary seaman lets a person work on the deck of a ship.
The tasks usually include cleaning the ship, taking care of the paint-work, taking the duty of the helm of the ship and taking watch whenever the situation asked for. The difference between an ordinary seaman and an able seaman is the difference in the salary grade that is given to them. The notion of first unique and separating an ordinary seaman from an able seaman came as early as the 18th century.
Other Professions on a Marine Wharf
The abovementioned list is some of the most common careers you can find on a marine wharf. You can find plenty of other professionals working on a marine wharf. For example, you may also see aquaculture workers, divers, hydrologists, and marine biologists among others on marine wharves.
Marine wharf services Miri do not necessarily limit to just that few professions. However, we can testify that some professions are far more needed than some others in marine wharf industries.
Marine Wharf Services Miri During Pandemic Period

Since that the Coronavirus seem to never go away, it has been on everyone’s lips for ages around. The Coronavirus has affected trade, which basically translates the fact that maritime trade has been affected.
People may not see how it is related to marine wharf services Miri, but it is very much affected. By “logic speak”, if trade via sea comes to a (near) standstill, it also means that ports and wharf services will be halted. They go hand in hand.
Having said that, in recent months sea trade has started to improve and pick up. A lot of marine and chartering services are finding creative ways to tackle this problem.
World Health Organization (WHO) has advised everyone, including maritime services to observe the following guidelines at their respective workplaces:
- Avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.
- Frequent handwashing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment.
- Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals.
- People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands.
It is understandable if marine service organisations worry about dropping profits. They may have every concern to such, however, in recent light maritime trade has begun picking up again. Having said that, many ports and similar marine wharves have taken vigilant measures to prevent further spread of the virus:
- Temperature checks at various port and ship checkpoints.
- Frequent sanitization of populous areas.
- Advising and making sure that their staffs practise daily hygiene.
Those are just some of the common methods that ports have adopted to maintain sanitary workplaces. Different countries have adopted different ways to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
How Different Marine Service Companies From Different Countries Tackle Coronavirus

Here are some ways international ports are tackling Coronavirus:
- American, Australian, French, and a few other Euro-centric nations have requested for ships that have been to China before to report to their respective port. Dates were collected in most cases to determine the severity level and possibility of a virus spread.
- Crew members who show signs of sickness are asked to report back to their employers. Deceased crew members during this period of time are asked to have the bodies under quarantine.
- Boats and crews that have made a port of call to China (specifically Wuhan). They are asked to be quarantined at specific port (and other locations). This is to try to reduce the possible spread of the Coronavirus at respective countries.
These are just some of the examples that different countries and regions have carried out in tackling the spread of Coronavirus. For more instances, check out these sources on how they are tackled: source 1 and source 2.
Neighbourly Efforts: Singapore Teaming Up with Malaysia
Singapore has come up with a creative way of handling the coronavirus for its ports. They work closely with Malaysia to see how they can sanitise their ports and vessels together.
“Due to the current a COVID-19 pandemic, we have some major concerns as a ship manager of 11 vessels. These through SMS is the safety of our crew and shore personnel coming on board the vessels,” said SILB Group Managing Director Dato Sri Ho Kam Choy. “We had looked around for companies that provide cleaning and disinfection services for vessels in the maritime industry. However, we were unable to find any. Most of these disinfection companies are base on land. Therefore, we go on to introduce these Services to our company. We will be able to provide these disinfection solutions to our fleet and vessel operators. We use the services of ports in both Singapore and Malaysia.”
Quote Source from Manifold Times.
Ship Lay-Ups On Deck for Many Ship Owners
Many cruise ship owners and operators are looking into lay-ups as an option for their vessels. Almost 20% of cruise ships have already been laid-up as of early April.
– Hot lay-ups are a firm choice in the short-term, as this lets the vessel to remain in operation. Owners can pick up operations within a short time while conducting consistent maintenance and operating machines while on board.
– Warm lay-ups are another good choice. It allows owners to decrease crew to a minimum while maintaining essential vessel operations. A step between hot lay-ups and cold lay-ups, this allows vessels to return into service within a week. All this while freeing up a portion of service and engineering crew.
– Cold lay-ups are a third possibility. We usually recommend cold lay-ups for ships that will be out-of-service for more than a year. As all machinery concludes to operate and crew are send home. They resume operations after a cold lay-up can take up to three weeks at times.
Those are just some of the ways smaller ship owners can deal with the difficult times brought on by the pandemic. Even though smaller ship owners may be the ones who are affected the most, bigger ship owners may follow suit too.
Advantages of Having Wharf Services

Despite the Coronavirus still on-going, it does not mean wharf services are of no use to you. Let’s say you are a business that deals with trade, offshore businesses, and anything to do with marine. That means you will have needs for wharf services.
Wharf service company tend to have a lot of trailing equipment and highly skilled staffs. That means we usually will equip wharf service companies with staffs and equipment. Those are able to provide 24 hours of wharf services. They are able to maximize excellent efficiency and flexible delivery services.
Great wharf service companies can provide the following things (where possible):
- Export and import wharf cartage
- Number of trailing equipment
- Lifting services
- Cross-docking services
- Regional coverages
- Dangerous goods transportation
- 24 hours of operation
What You Can Expect From Great Wharf Services

To have a leading and top-notch wharf services, it usually includes the following amenities:
Safety and Compliance (CPR)
Chain of Responsibility (COR for short) laws can oversee heavy-duty freight transportation industries. We train experts in a holistic manner to achieve all your needs. They too provide you with complete peace of mind by reducing risk during transportation of your goods.
Wharf Cartage Scheduling Flexibility
A trustworthy wharf services company has port relationships and large client volumes. These client volumes can make sure that wharf service scheduling is flexible.
Wharf Cartage Scheduling Flexibility
Getting the groceries to the oilrig is just as important as the food tasting good. Delay in groceries can cause quite an upturn in oilrig events. Because of that, we order many of our groceries ahead for obvious reasons.
Good Communication
Experts of reputable marine wharf services Miri company have high skills in communications. They can help answer any of your doubt-filled questions and clarify anything pertaining to transportation problems.
Demurrage Cost Control
Having electronic container notifications and time-slots can help with the advance planning process. They can also help to reduce demurrage charges for your wharf services.
Experienced Drivers
The majority of good wharf service drivers have many years of experience. They will often take good care of their vehicles, hauling equipment, and the wharf services’ properties. Besides all of that, we equip the vehicles with advanced GPS tracking on our marine wharf services Miri. That is to ensure the fleet’s proper management, planning and monitoring.
What Misarma Marine Can Do For You

Our wharf services are one of the best in Miri and across Sarawak. We have our own wharf that is located by the Baong River in Miri. As a wharf service company, it only makes sense that we have our own wharf.
Here are some of the facilities and amenities of our wharf services offer.
Berthing and Unberthing Services
Berthing and unberthing services are where you moor a ship in an allotted space at your wharf facility. Misarma Marine is able to offer you berthing and unberthing services with its secure facilities. You can expect your ships and everything on it safe and sound. We make sure that they are properly taking care of.
Material Handling Services
Got plenty of cargo you wish to get it onshore? No worries, we are able to provide you with material handling services. We have a diversity of lifting service entities at our wharf. You don’t have to worry about looking for companies and other people to help lift your heavy cargoes. Our marine wharf services Miri can lift them from your ship on to dry land easily.
Onshore Power Supply
We can provide you with fresh water and power supply. They are readily available at all times. Delivery of said supply is through hydrants. They can also go through local electricity grid where the vessels are berthed at. We commit and dedicate ourselves entirely to providing a reliable source of marine freshwater. We also provide some of the best servitude for the marine industry from our marine services Miri.
Ship Chartering and Management
Our ship chartering team can find the best fitting vessel, in the exact position, at the correct time to help you get your cargo to its final destination. We provide offshore ship chartering and operation services for you to operate within Malaysian waters. With the accessible Misarma wharf, your ships can dock safely when you arrive at Miri city.
Our staff experience and the relationships we have built over the decades allow us to deliver uncontested services in our Misarma Marine Services Miri.
Since the initial start-up of our company many years ago, we have formed strong relationships with many shipyards and ship owners. This gives our company access to a wide range of vessels such as:
- Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel (AHT/AHTS)
- Accommodation Work Barge (AWB/DP2 AWB/Mooring AWB)
- Towing Tug/Tug Boat
- Flat Top Barge/Transportation Barge
- Workboat Vessels
- Dive Support Vessels
Crew Change Terminal
Misarma Marine Wharf Services provide a crew change terminal. This terminal allows clients to embark/disembark crew personnel for fast crew boats in a safe and effective manner. It provides marine services Miri terminal related services such as:
- Alcohol and body screening test
- Safety briefing room for safety purpose
- Luggage room for the convenience of the crew (for them to place their PPE before leaving)
On top of that, Misarma Marine also provides a prayer room for crews who wish to perform their prayer. Misarma Marine dedicates a company site office for clients to set up their office equipment for crew change purposes. At the same time, we also have a radio room that allows for the communication between the Master and Logistics Coordinator with suitable frequency.

Marine wharf services Miri have long been beneficial to a lot of industries that need to be out at sea. Having said that, the oil and gas sectors that operate offshore, shipping companies, trade sectors, all need marine wharf services to an extent.
If you ever need marine wharf services Miri, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to help nonetheless.
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